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About the Coalition for Urban Transitions
The Coalition for Urban Transitions, active from 2016 to 2021, was the foremost initiative supporting national governments to secure economic prosperity and tackle the climate crisis by transforming cities. The Coalition equipped national governments with the evidence-based research and policy tools necessary to make cities zero-carbon, resilient and inclusive. Its in-country programmes in China and Mexico, historical work in five other countries, and its global policy and research work provided models for how national leaders can place cities at the heart of national development plans to meet their economic, social, and climate goals. A special initiative of the New Climate Economy and jointly managed by the World Resources Institute Ross Center and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, the Coalition was comprised of 36 diverse stakeholders across five continents.
About Seizing the Urban Opportunity
Seizing the Urban Opportunity was launched to support the COP26 UK Presidency in building momentum for enhanced climate ambition by national governments and other actors ahead of COP26 in Glasgow. Through insights from six emerging economies—China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa—it provided a call to action to tackle the triple challenges of COVID-19 recovery, economic development, and climate action by transforming cities. The report was a collaborative effort, created in consultation with experts and policymakers in the six focus countries, with additional input from more than 36 organisations across five continents. The Seizing the Urban Opportunity report was funded by the UK government, The Resilience Shift, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation.
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Report: National governments can reap $12 trillion in returns, create millions of new jobs, reduce emissions through low-carbon investments in cities

South Africa joins the Coalition and WRI in supporting green and equitable urban recovery after COVID-19